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Showing posts from November, 2016

Tips For Better Sleep

How you feel during your waking hours often hinges on how well you sleep. Similarly, the cure for daytime fatigue and sleep difficulties can often be found in your daily routine and lifestyle choices. Experiment with the following tips to find the ones that work best to improve your sleep and leave you feeling productive, mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long. 1. Have a regular sleep pattern.  Try to go to bed at the same time every evening and get up at the same time every morning. This will help your body to work out a healthy sleep routine. 2. Spend the right amount of time in bed Most adults need about 8 hours sleep every night. Some require more and some less. Many poor sleepers spend much more than 8 hours in bed and this makes fragmented sleep a habit. Except if you have lengthy sleep requirements, limit your time in bed to no more than 8.5 hours. If you often take hours to fall asleep, go to bed later. Remember that children need more


JUICE YA UKWAJU MBIVU NA PASSION FRUIT  Ukija kwenye fresh juice ya ukwaju ni nzuri zaidi kwa afya. . Unaweza tengeneza ya ukwaju mtupu bila kuchanganya na tunda jengine, ila leo tutachanganya na tunda la pesheni.  MAHITAJI Ukwaju mbivu kikombe 1 Mapeshen 5   Ndimu (za kijani ) 2 Suakari unavyopenda   NJIA Roweka ukwaju kwa dakika 10 mpaka 15 ili uwe mlaini kusagika,  Usage na blender vizuri, kama una kokwa usiusage moja kwa moja , saga kwa sekunde 2 ,  zima, fanya kama mara 4 au 5 au mpaka uone umesagika,  Au unaweza kuufikicha kwa mkono tu  Then uchuje kwa chujio Kwenye blender tia ile juice ya ukwaju na utie mapeshen yote(kokwa zake) uendelee kusaga mpaka mapeshen yasagike, kata ndimu vipande vidogo vidogo tia saga tena kwa sekunde 3 tu, ndimu zisisagike sana. Ichuje tena, hakikisha unatumia chujio au chungio nyembamba ili kuzuwiya mabaki ya peshen yasipenye,  Iangalie /ionje juice kam


kiukweli matiti yaliyolala humkosesha mrembo raha kuna njia tofauti zaa kuyainua matiti.  K wa wakina dada na mama ambao maziwa yenu yanawakela hii ndo dawa yake fanya kwa wiki mara mbili utayafurahia maziwa yako. Mahitaji olive oil au coconut oil vitamin E oil ndizi mbivu yai la kienyeji juice ya kitunguu maji 1tbsp Njia ya kwanza safisha maziwa yako vizuri kisha chukua ute wa yai upige kwa kijiko ulainike ongeza juice ya kitunguu maji paka matiti yako acha ikauke Njia YA PILI kama matiti yako ni makubwa fanya njia hii ya pili kama sio makubwa iache tangawizi 1tsp limao1tsp changanya mchanganyiko huo kisha paka matiti yako kwa dkk tano iache ikauke usioshe twende hatua ya tatu kama titi lako limesinyaa baada ya kumaliza hatua au njia ya kwanza fanya hii chukua kiazi mviringo kikwangue na kikwaruzo pakaa matiti yako acha ikauke usioshe. Twende kw

5 Natural Remedies to Lighten Dark Lips

When we think of beauty lips has its own importance. There are many factors that can cause your lips to go darker like sun exposure, UV rays, smoking, allergies, caffeine intake and hormonal imbalances. Rosy lips increase the appeal of every man’s and woman’s charm. Natural rosy and pink lips add visual appeal. Many of us shy from the public appearance due to darker lips. It affects the people of all ages from young to old ones. Dark lips can change your personal image and also cause embarrassment. Here are some natural remedies that lightens yours lips and makes it more attractive: 1. Honey Honey softens your lips and gives your lip a pink glow. Apply honey all over your lips and let it dry. Do not wash it off. 2. Lemon Lemon is commonly used to treat darker patches and spots of skin. Massage your lips with lemon and leave it overnight before go to sleep. It also removes the dead skin cells of your skin and gives you the pink glowing skin. 3

How To Overcome Insecurity And Jealousy In A Relationship

Love lasts and lasts forever. That is a common belief, but it may not always be true. While in some cases the love grows deeper and embraces understanding and acceptance, in others, it could take an entirely different turn and lead to negative emotions such as insecurity and jealousy. Your partner may be just the same as before, but the way you look at things must have changed. You may feel insecure seeing his career growth, or his ways of socializing. These are feelings that need to be nipped at the bud lest they turn into a monster and take a toll on your relationship. Here are some tips and ideas to pull you out of your troubled times. How To Get Over The Feeling Of Insecurity In Your Relationship: One of the main reasons for feeling insecure in a relationship is the loss of self-esteem. If your partner is busy and is unable to give you sufficient time, or if you are devoid of one-to-one interaction, it could invite trouble. You may feel that you are not good enough for

Dondoo za kupiga picha nzuri kwa simu yako

Hivi karibuni watu wengi tumekuwa tukiangalia ubora wa simu ndo tuipe maksi, kama ukiona simu yako ina Megapixels 20 basi utafurahi, lakini ubora tu wa kamera ya simu haitoshi kukupa picha nzuri kama tunavyotarajia, kwa upigaji wa picha nzuri inahitaji ujuaji wa utumiaji teknohama iliyounda mfumo wa kamera yako ili ikupe picha nzuri. Hizi ni dondoo chache za kujua ili simu yako ikupe picha bomba Kujua jinsi ya kuweka “Auto mode” “Auto mode” ni mfumo ambayo kamera huchagua marekebisho yenyewe kutokana na sehemu uliyopo kama kuna mwanga hafifu, hii itakusaidia sana kupiga picha yenye viwango Kufanya marekebisho ambayo yamewekwa “Override the Defaults” Simu nyingi za kisasa zinakuja na mipango “ settings”  moja kwa moja, lakini mara nyingi hushindwa kutambua ni mipango gani iweke kama ukiwa ndani au kukiwa na mawingu, ukijua kubadilisha kutokana sehem ulipo, utaishaidia sana simu yako kupata picha nzuri. Rekebisha “Edit ” Hii ni sehem ambayo watu wengi


Kunywa kikombe kimoja cha maji ya moto kila asubuhi kinaweza kukutibu mwili wako kwa kusaidia umeng’enywaji wa chakula na kuzuia kuzeeka mapema kabla ya wakati. Wengi wetu huianza asubuhi vyema kwa kikombe cha kawaha ya moto au chai ya moto kwa lengo la kuuchangamsha miili yetu baada ya kutoka kitandani.  Na pale tunapokunywa maji, basi wengi wetu hupendelea kunywa ya baridi, lakini kwa mujibu wa watalaam wa afya wanatuambia kua tunafanya makosa kufanya hivyo. (kunywa maji baridi) Mara nyingi unywaji wa maji moto au uvuguvugu, hususani nyakati za asubuhi, inasaidia kuiponya miili yetu na kuitibu pia, kwa kusaidia kuongeza nguvu katika mmeng’enyo wa chakula ma kupunguza taka mwilini, taka ambazo zinaweza kuzuia kinga zetu kua katika hali yake nzuri ya mfumo sahihi na ambao tunauhitaji. “matabibu wanasema na kushauri kunywa maji moto ama uvuguvugu nyakati za asubuhi, kila siku, sambamba na mchanyanyo wa maji ya limao, au chai ambayo haina madhara kwa mwili”.  Utumiaji wa maji moto