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Showing posts from April, 2018

Foods That Will Give You Glowing Skin

Research reveals that our skin is a mirror of our internal bodily health, for every single food item we consume and how it affects our body is manifested clear upon the surface of our skin. Individuals who devour heals of sugary treats, fatty foods and processed treats tend to experience a fast and premature aging process, as their collagen is broken down much more quickly, which causes their skin to lose all its radiance and glow. However, on the bright side, nature provides us countless foods and fruits that aid our skin and protect it from all kinds of weather conditions, be it excessively sunny or dryness-inducing cold, to retain our summertime freshness and glow all year-round. The idea is to pick out farm-fresh produce, fresh and ripe fruits, nutrient-packed veggies and healthy fats. At the same time, it is essential to cut down the consumption of sugar as it speeds up the aging process of the skin, triggering the emergence of too many wrinkles and causing the skin too loo

Njia za kutibu mba kichwani za asili


Wanawake wa kiafrika hua wana nywele fupi na ngumu, yaani hii ni asili yao tofauti na wanawake wa rangi zingine duniani kama wachina, wazungu, wajapani, wafilipino na kadhalika.. nywele za waafrika mara nyingi haziwi ndefu lakini kutokana na kubadilika kwa teknolojia, sasa hivi kuna uwezekano wa kukuza nywele zao kwa kufuata kanuni kadhaa za urembo na afya kama ifuatavyo. Tumia hina na Yai Kila baada ya siku nne uwe na utaratibu wa kupakaa mchanganyiko wa hina na mayai, iwe na paste nzito kiasi, upake katika mizizi ya nywele, ukimaliza kupaka nywele zifunike kwa mfuko maalum ili zipate joto kwa muda wa masaa mawili, Baada ya hapo zioshe kwa maji na shampoo, lakini maji yawe ya baridi yasiwe ya motooo au vuguvugu, yani yawe maji ya kawaida. Baada ya kuziosha zikaushe kwa taulo Zifahamu aina ya  nywele zako kitu cha kwanza kujua ni kizifahamu nywele zako, kuna watu wanakaa na nywele bila kujua nwele zake ni za iana gani,Jinsi ya kujua aina ya nywele zako , chomoa nywele